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Christmas Carols Lyrics

Christmas carol lyrics can be termed as the most integral part of the songs. After all, the lyrics are the one that hold the perfect potential of making a carol popular among people. Thus much importance is paid by the lyricists or the writers in composing the lyrics. The Christmas carols can be defined as the religious songs, sung in the praise of Jesus Christ as well as the pious festival of Christmas.

Thus according to the experts, the lyrics of the Christmas carols also need to be written in such a beautiful manner that they can do justice to the grand occasion of Christmas. Secondly, the Christmas carols are reputed to be directly associated with the religious sentiments of Christianity followers and thus much attention needs to be paid to the lyrics of these carols so that they unintentionally also don't hurt anyone's feelings. Though many modern day Christmas carol lyrics are written nowadays with the view of celebrating the festival of Christmas without referring to any religious aspect.

Well, here are a few famous lyrics that have made a special place for themselves in the world of carols.

Away In A Manger

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
the little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head,
The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay,
the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.
The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
but little Lord Jesus no crying he makes.
I love you, Lord Jesus; look down from the sky,
and stay by my side until morning is nigh.
Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask you to stay
close by me for ever, and love me, I pray.
Bless all the dear children in your tender care,
and fit us for heaven, to live with you there.

Joy To The World

Joy to the world! The Lord is come:
let earth receive her King!
Let every heart prepare him room,
and heaven and nature sing.
Joy to the earth! the Saviour reigns:
let men their songs employ,
while fields and floods, rocks,hills and plains
repeat the sounding joy.
No more let sins and sorrows grow,
nor thorns infest the ground:
he comes to make his blessings flow
far as the curse is found.
He rules the earth with truth and grace,
and makes the nations prove
wonders of his love.

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