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Song Lyrics Make the Scrapbook Journaling

Song lyrics are a great way to preserve a memory. Not only are you complimenting the photo memory with the song lyrics, but you are also remembering the song itself and what it meant to you! I have to compliment country and western song lyrics as some of the most meaningful things to say.

What Was Your Favorite Song?

Did (or do) you have a favorite song? Use some of the lyrics instead of journaling. Sometimes the photos just don't have something specific to remember, but just the "being there" part-the beautiful face of your little grand daughter - granted there is alot to say, but sometimes it just gets to be just that - alot to say - with no particular meaning. However, if you were to use a particular song lyric - just one verse - or even just the title of the song - it says so much about that precious little face, and then you also have that memory every time you hear that song!

George Straite's song "In All The World, You'll Never Find A Love As True As Mine" came out long time AFTER I was married and I wasn't scrapping back then either. However, when I did start scrapping, my wedding was the event I started with and that song was popular at the time and I loved it, so that was the "journaling" I used for the page. Do I remember my wedding? Yes, to a point. But 29 years ago? I admit I don't remember all the details. But this song, just says it all. I can see where I started and know how far I have come! (by the way, those are lyrics from a LeeAnn Womack song that is great and I titled my daughters scrapbook album with that title!)

One page, One Layout = multiple stories and memories

My son was a cowboy from the start. Well, he ended up migrating to County Sheriff, but hey - there can be only one Wyatt Earp! But Waylon Jennings version of "Mama, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys" was just the "journaling" I needed to accommodate all his "cowboy want-a-be" days! This is also a good way to include pictures of the same "topic" but across several years. One page, one layout - multiple stories and memories!

Song lyrics are a great way to capture multiple persons,same situation

My son, daughter and husband on their favorite "wheels". To make a layout for each person was just not worth the cost of supplies, much less the time to do it and what do I say "they liked their bike"?. So I included ALL 3 of them on their personal "favorite wheels" and it made a wonderful layout! Titled "Born To Ride" - captioned it all. I then added the years and my layout has years of memories - and only 3 words were used to "discuss" it all!

So don't think that you have to make one layout for each and every memory. Often, seeing them all together will make even more memories!

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